Termly Meeting: Promoting Academic Quality and Collaborative Development
July 13, 2023

10th July 2023: Bath Spa University UK and Bath Spa University Academic Centre RAK convened for a termly meeting on Academic Quality and Collaborative Development. UK staff were represented by Dr Kayla Rose, Dr Charles Wiffen, Anna Makin, Gavin Harrison, Anthony Clements, Tom Gardner, Lorna Lewis, and Matthew Eacott. At the same time, BSU RAK was represented by Saqib Bhatti, R Sajjad Hussain, Iftikhar A Khan, Dr M N Brohi, Arooj Zubair, Anmol Zubair, Dr Sally Martin, Dr Liju J Thomas, Waqas Ali, Melvin Raneses, Muhammad Ibtisam, Raven Lucin, Zahoor Ahmed, and Abdul Basit.
The agenda discussed were:
1. Centre for Educational Partnerships updates
- Term Dates
- Contract Status/Due Diligence
- Processes and Protocols
- Student Enrolment Checks
- Partner Toolkit
2. Academic Quality Matters
- Changes to BSU policies, procedures and regulations.
- Changes to partner-owned regulations and policies.
- External Examiners Update
3. Programme Development and Modifications Update
4. Link Tutors Update
The termly meeting between BSU UK and BSU RAK fosters a culture of excellence through regular meetings and discussions. Furthermore, the recent meeting demonstrated a shared commitment to academic quality and collaborative development to deliver exceptional educational opportunities to multi-national students in the United Arab Emirates.